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If I were an Aircraft I Would Never Be a Helicopter

So when you first have a child you treat them like glass. You don't want that sweet baby skin to get touched by anything. No scrapes or bumps and every time your precious gem falls over you run over and pick them up and then you become The helicopter mom. 

Now I was this mom. I was the one hovering over my child like he was going to get trampled by a pack of angry ants in the sandbox.  I freaked out and took my son to the hospital for bumping his head. Then I had a second child. And the hovering was so much work. Chasing around two kids at the park then three and now my fourth. 


I look at a trip to the park like a break for me. And it's free for my kids to run around and have entertainment. Of course I make sure they don't talk to strangers or do something potentially dangerous that can harm themselves or others. But I am at a distance. Children are not going to learn if they don't do it first. My first son was petrified of fuckin water because I was afraid of dry drowning and it's real. I know. But he didn't really swim until he was six because of my fears. I hindered my son of learning for himself.

Now as an “experienced” mother I like to watch other helicopter parents at the park. They got fuckin clip boards and matching outfits so they can make sure they can keep track of their one child. Well, I don't do that shit. I let my kids run and then I check my phone, take pictures of them being children, and do a walk around every five-ten minutes. Now when these helicopter parents see me being a “lazy” parent and my kid is trying to climb the fuckin jungle gym and they try to “help” no lady,  don't touch him. Let him learn for himself. Let him figure it out for himself. Nothing burns me up more than someone else trying to parent my kids. 

Like I got this. 

They're alive aren't they? 

My favorite is when their kid is being a kid and accidentally runs into my kid and they are like “oh my god I'm so sorry… Henry apologize” I'm like why are you making your two year old son apologize for being a kid? They don't even know what they did honestly. It was an accident. No harm done. I'm not going to apologize for my kid doing kid shit and I'm not going to apologize for my son punching your kid in the face for being an asshole either. 

Ok I might apologize.

But if parents want their kids to eventually get out of their ass they have to take a step back. Let them be little and quit robbing them of their childhood. Let them play and  take a seat and watch them from afar. 

And if it makes you more comfortable or you have some kind of PTSD from previous park time or your child is a wild child then yes be the Mom at the park hovering. However, don’t be the judge mental Mom that is ready to call Child Protective Services because you see a mom like me sitting on the bench 20 feet from their child. You are nobody to judge and if you are going to judge do it in your head. Do not try to help other kids climb or go down a slide unless they are about to get hurt. Let that child learn. That’s what parents like me want. Furthermore park time is sanctuary for me and other moms . Don’t ruin that. Being a mother is already hard. It is the most judged position in the world. We are constantly feeling the pressure of every other Mom judging us. 

“Did you breast feed” 

“Are you co-sleeping”

“Are you vaccinating” 

It’s not any of your business what I am doing with MY child. It just isn’t. Mind your own little angels and I will mind my little hellions. 

Now if you want to be friends with me I’m always looking for Mom friends. I’m looking for the Mom friends that aren’t afraid to let their children be children and not constantly judging me or making themselves feel better by comparing what I do and how they are so much better. Mom life is the hard life and the best life. So if you want to come to the park with me and my four kids and take bets on which kid is going to step in dog shit or eat dirt first hit me up. 

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